Second edition:
April 24 – May 23, 2004
Arkad Foundation Gallery, Seravezza (LU)

Enoliarte 2004 featured the extraordinary participation of 60 Italian and international artists who expressed their creativity with installations on the theme of the area’s food products .

The 2-dimensional works were presented in the windows of the ARKAD Foundation Gallery recovered with black paper.
The sculptures were suspended over the floor lights in a wide range of ideas and different techniques.

Collateral events
The art exhibition was brought to conclusion with an auction that let collectors bid for the works on display.

The works were displayed for one month and admired by over 3600 visitors.

Sponsored by:
The Province of Lucca, the Chamber of Commerce of Lucca, the Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Foundation, the Apuan Alps Park, the Upper Versilia Mountain Community Association, the Bcc Banca della Versilia e della Lunigiana, Ideal Congress, the Versilia Ais delegation, the Municipality of Seravezza-Tourism and Productive Activities Office.

Participating artists: Giovanna Ambrogi, Luciana Andreani, Salvatore Anselmo, Michele Ausili, Raquel Aversano, Nicolas Bertoux, Quentin Bertoux, Elena Bianchini, Davide Bignami, Paul-Alexandre Bourieau, Robin Bell, Emanuela Camacci, Silvano Cattai, Elisa Corsini, Cristiana Cravanzola, Monique Dallée, Frédéric Danne, Simone Dell'Amico, Laury Dizengreme, Nicole Dumas, John Fisher, Sergio Fortuna, Leonardo Gasperetti, Sylvestre Gauvrit, Andrea Gerali, Kakuko Ishii, Vincenzo Lucente, Christine Madiès, Francesco Martera, Rita Matt, Anna-Lia Migliacci, Ariel Moscovici, Tomas Naegerl, Giorgia OLM, Sandy Oppenheimer, Roberto Palma, Michele Pardini, Polska, Giliola Presice, Cinzia Rossi-Ghion, Silvie Rivillon, Andrea Rovatti, Cynthia Sah, Inger Sannes, Gianfranco Stacchi, Janet Stayton, Tiziana Tacconi, Lotte Thuenker, Alejandro Trapani, Anne-Claire Van Den Elshout, Renée Van Devere-Swire, Silvia Vendramel, Lelia Verona, Lorenzo Vignoli

Created by:

FONDAZIONE ARKAD ETS Viale Leonetto Amadei 309 (ex Via del Palazzo 437) 55047 Seravezza LU
Codice Fiscale 91064160467 - Partita IVA: 02723200461
Tel. +39 0584 75 70 34
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